新利18luck 在线娱乐网,18新利APP体育手机客户端 Political Advertising Resource Center A project of the University of Maryland's Center for Political Communication & Civic Leadership Skip to content Home2016 Ad Analyses Donald J. Trump for America, “Movement” Donald J. Trump for President, “Two Americas: Immigration” Hillary for America, “Just One” Hillary for America, “Role Models” Priorities USA Action, “I Love War” Rebuilding America Now, “America Soaring” About PARC PARC In the News Past PARC Projects 2004–“Wolves” 2004–Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, “Sellout” 2012 Ad Analyses Americans for Prosperity–“It’s Time for New Ideas” Campaign for American Values, “New Morning” DCCC–“Stand Up for Medicare” Funny or Die, “Legitimate Rape Pharmaceutical Ad” Obama for President, “Children” Obama for President, “Steel” Obama for President, “The Facts about President Obama’s Energy Record” Obama for President–“Faces of Change” Paul for President, “The One You Can Trust” Restore Our Future (PAC)–“Saved” Romney for President, “Growing Up” Santorum for President, “Rombo” Santorum for President–“Obamaville” 2014 Ad Analyses Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate, “Skeet Shooting” Bruce Braley for Senator, “Peep” Carl DeMaio for Congress, “A New Generation Republican” Cory Gardner for Senate, “Nice Guy” Dan Sullivan for Senate, “Alaska Agreement” Domenic Recchia for Congress, “20 Counts” Hogan-Rutherford Committee to Change Maryland, “Jaymi” Jeff Merkley for Senate, “Garage” Joni Ernst for Senate, “Squeal” NRCC, AZ-1, “Baggage” Paul Davis for Governor, “Direction” Stewart Mills for Congress, “In Her Shoes” Texans for Greg Abbott, “Desperation” Texans for Greg Abbott, “Garage” Tom Corbett for Governor, “No No No” Tom Wolf for Governor, “Get Real” VoteVets Action Fund, “The Walk” Wendy Davis for Governor, “Court” Wendy Davis for Governor, “Justice” Political Advertising Resources Political Advertising History ← Older posts A Referendum on Character: New Report on 2016 Presidential Campaign Ads Posted on November 7, 2016 by Trevor Parry-Giles The University of Maryland’s Center for Political Communication & Civic Leadership is pleased to release its report on the campaign ads from the 2016 presidential campaign. A Report on Presidential Advertising and the 2016 General Election: A Referendum on Character analyzes over 80 campaign ads from the 2016 campaign. The report concludes 1) that campaign ads in 2016 were more character-based than issue-based; 2) that both Clinton and Trump relied on fear and anger appeals in their ads; and 3) that the takeaway message of the 2016 campaign ads is that neither candidate is fit to lead and these character attacks in the 2016 ads will make governing difficult no matter the election’s outcome. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment 2016 Ad Analyses from PARC Posted on October 6, 2016 by Trevor Parry-Giles In the final weeks of the 2016 election campaign, the University of Maryland’s Political Advertising Resource Center will post new analyses of some of the most compelling political commercials running on televisions across the country. First up: analyses of two Donald Trump ads entitled “Two Americas: Immigration” and “Movement” by UM ad analysts Kyle Stephan and Prashanth Bhat. New ad analyses of Hillary for America ads (“Just One” and “Role Models”) by UM analysts Alyson Farzad, Nora Murphy, Claudia Serrano Rico, Rebuilding America Now’s “America Soaring,” and Priorities USA Action’s “I Love War,” by UM analysts Gareth Williams and Morgan Hess. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment More Ad Analyses from the 2014 Midterms Posted on October 27, 2014 by Trevor Parry-Giles PARC analysts continue to examine ads from campaigns across the country. With the 2014 midterm elections approaching fast, PARC now includes new analyses of political spots sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee for a campaign in AZ-1 and another commercial in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign (left). And PARC has more analyses from the competitive and controversial Texas gubernatorial campaign (from both the Davis campaign and the Abbott campaign). Update: New analyses of ads from Iowa’s senate race, Oregon’s senate race, and the NY-11 congressional campaign. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment 2014 Ad Analyses: From Campaigns in Texas, California, and Alaska Posted on October 15, 2014 by Trevor Parry-Giles New PARC analyses from the dynamic gubernatorial race in Texas the focuses on a Wendy Davis spot and from Texans for Greg Abbott. Another analysis addresses an ad from a hotly contested congressional race in California featuring Carl DeMaio (left). Another analysis comes from the competitive Senate campaign in Alaska that discusses an ad by Republican Dan Sullivan. And finally, analyses from Kansas’s gubernatorial campaign and Maryland’s gubernatorial campaign. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment More PARC Analyses from the 2014 Campaign Posted on October 11, 2014 by Trevor Parry-Giles New PARC analyses of the ads from the 2014 midterm elections are now available. Two analyses from the highly competitive Senate race in Kentucky include discussions of an ad from Alison Lundergan Grimes highlighting her abilities as a skeet shooter and an independent ad from VoteVets Action Fund attacking Mitch McConnell. Another analysis examines the now famous ad from Joni Ernst in Iowa (right) that highlights her personal history as a pig farmer. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment First PARC Analyses for 2014 Posted on October 8, 2014 by Trevor Parry-Giles Election Day 2014 is just around the corner and PARC analysts are analyzing and discussing ads from campaigns across the country. Now posted are new analysis of an ad from the U.S. Senate campaign in Colorado, an analysis of an ad from the gubernatorial campaign in Pennsylvania, and an analysis of an ad from “the Brad Pitt” of politics, Stewart Mills from Minnesota. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment New PARC Analyses Posted on November 4, 2012 by Trevor Parry-Giles As the 2012 presidential election comes to a close, PARC analysts continue to analyze and discuss ads from the campaign. Now posted are analyses of two recent spots from the Obama campaign on education and Governor Romney’s record as a venture capitalist. Also posted are new analyses of a parody spot from Funny or Die and a anti-Obama spot from the group Campaign for American Values. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment First PARC Ad Analyses of ’12 Posted on March 27, 2012 by Trevor Parry-Giles The first analyses from the Political Advertising Resource Center for the 2012 presidential election are now available. The new postings include an analysis of an ad from President Obama defending his energy record by Yvonne Slosarski, an analysis of an a positive Mitt Romney ad about “growing up” in Michigan by Jade Olson, an analysis of a negative spot from Rick Santorum authored by Jessica Lu, and an analysis of a Ron Paul commercial by Elia Powers. Posted in 2012 Presidential Campaign Ads | Leave a comment Attacking Newt Posted on December 15, 2011 by Trevor Parry-Giles Newt Gingrich’s surge in the Republican polls this late in the primary season seems to have his competitors concerned–and that means the negative ads are starting to appear. For Ron Paul, Newt is a “hypocrite” in this ad: Rick Perry lumps Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and President Obama together as all consistent supporters of mandated health care: Gingrich’s response is a very conventional one. Candidates facing attack typically respond with the standard “all the others are busy attacking–I want to solve America’s problems.” Posted in 2012 Presidential Campaign Ads | Leave a comment “Morning Again” from Newt Gingrich Posted on December 7, 2011 by Trevor Parry-Giles New ad(s) from Newt Gingrich–the emerging frontrunner in the 2012 Republican nomination contest. The ad capitalizes on a fundamental tenet of campaigning–the more optimistic candidate usually wins. What’s also interesting is how the ad employs different soundtracks in different versions. The above version (posted on YouTube and used by the NYT in its column on the ad) uses music from the motion picture Rudy, evoking the emotions stirred by that film–an underdog tale of a undersized kid from the wrong-side of the tracks who gets to play football for Notre Dame. But the version posted on the Gingrich Web site uses different music. Whichever soundtrack is used, the basic message of the ad is clear–it can be “morning again in America” if Gingrich is elected. Powerful nostalgia, hearkening to Reagan. Posted in 2012 Presidential Campaign Ads | Leave a comment ← Older posts Search for: Recent Posts A Referendum on Character: New Report on 2016 Presidential Campaign Ads 2016 Ad Analyses from PARC More Ad Analyses from the 2014 Midterms 2014 Ad Analyses: From Campaigns in Texas, California, and Alaska More PARC Analyses from the 2014 Campaign Archives November 2016 October 2016 October 2014 November 2012 March 2012 December 2011 Categories 2012 Presidential Campaign Ads Uncategorized Blog Stats 102,322 hits Meta Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.com Political Advertising Resource Center Blog at WordPress.com. Subscribe Subscribed Political Advertising Resource Center Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. 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